Kak Nani is my bestfriend elder sister.. This is ordered by Kak Ina's (the eldest) as a gift for Kak Nani.. super sweet kan ?? *love*
Kak Nani punyer wedding adalah sgt superb. Lawa giler. Serious terkedu kejap wkt tgk the interior deco. Terus berangan nak sebijik cenggitu... *dream on*
Since the very beginning, Kak Nani dh ckp she prefer to have cupcake tower sebab dia nak semua org boleh mkn kek tue nnt instead kalau buat kek tingkat2 tue tp nnt xde org mkn. She prefer buttercream sebab fondant is way too sweet. The idea is similar to one of the cuppies tower on Martha Stewart's website.
When we've agreed with the colour and everything..I need to construct the stand first laa kan. To ensure the cuppies n the cake will not terbalik wkt the cake cutting ceremony. So in order for me to do the cupcake stand.. I use the base of 22 inch cake board, 16 inch cake board for the middle tier and 12 inch for the top tier. Jenuhla ber-DIY kt rumah mlm tue sebab nk ensure the stand will stay strong. The lace mmg jenuh giler nk cari..I actually go to 3 diff shops just because nak cari lace yg berkenan kt hati. Wkt tue dh sgt cuak..what if I can't find one?? Sgt bersyukur sebab jumpa jugak akhirnya dkt the last shop in Shah Alam.
After tunggang terbalik dgn my mom n my dad..this is the outcome of the stand. Not perfect..but I'm happy with it sebab I'm an amateur. First time kot bwat stand nie~
For the cake n cuppies, Kak Nani want a mixture between Vanilla cuppies n Chocolate cuppies. However, for the main cake she want vanilla. The main cake adalah sgt unik.. sebab Kak Nani nak the giant cupcake for it with the initial of A & Y on top of it. Utk cuppies tue plak..every cuppies will have the love shape with their initial as well. In total.. the cuppies we use abt 100 pcs of them n one big giant cupcake.
This is at the backstage. After dh siap susun semua cuppies |
Kak Nani n Yus during cake cutting |
Thanks to my dad for the great pic.
First time buat cupcake tower. Super cuak kot wkt Anis bgtau Kak Ina nk tempah cake dgn Diana. For Kak Nani's punyer wedding plak tuhh !! *nervous okehh :p* Hopefully she's satisfied with the outcome.
Selamat Pengantin Baru for Yus n Kak Nani...^_^