Wednesday 17 March 2010

Nabilla Wedding Cake

This is my first two tier cake. Since I decide to use fresh flower as the decoration (sebab malas nk buat sugarpaste roses :P), maka cover the cake with fondant then transport all the way to Segamat, Johor. This pic semua waktu tgh deco lagi... luper plak nk snap pic atas meja makan pengantin. *dush*
That's my mom n my sister sebagai background gambar... ^_^

This is from the back.. belum siap lagi nie... tue yg nmpk serabut lagi.

Since this is my first attempt... still byk lagila room for improvement. Byk lagi nk kena try n error. Nak kata puas hati sangat2... hurmm xla kot. Tapi syukur laa at least jadi jugakla kek tuhh.

Btw.. Nabilla is my neighbour wkt kt johor dulu. My 'adik'. Selamat Pengantin Baru Nabilla n Raimie. Sorryla erkk.. kek Kak Long simple jer~

Cake: Chocolate Moist Cake
Icing: Fondant
Deco: Fresh Roses with Dark Brown ribbon


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